May 15, 2024

The Danger of Anger

Say This

The title of this family devotion is “The Danger of Anger.” Can anyone guess what this is about?

Watch This

Ask This

Have you ever felt like the little girl in the clip? I want us to sit quietly for 15 seconds and everyone thinks of something that really makes you angry. Not mad or sad, but angry. Go!

Ask This

When you got angry did you just explode like the little red guy in the clip or did you catch yourself and choose a different response?

Say This

OK…Let’s go around the table and let everyone share what makes you angry. (Note: Try to keep this from becoming a “Dr. Phil Show.” If someone references something done by someone at the table, try to put that to the side for now.)

Say This

Did you know anger shows up in the Bible several times? Ask someone to read Exodus 32:19. [Moses breaks the 10 Commandments] This is just one of several instances we find in the Bible. Even Jesus got angry. Ask someone to read John 2:13-17.

Ask This

How do you think God feels about anger? Do you think it’s a sin to be angry? 

Read This

Ephesians 4:26, 27, James 1:19-20

Say This

It’s not a sin to be angry, but when we get angry, we run the risk of pushing Jesus out of the driver’s seat of our lives and taking over. Then, the only person we really care about is    (who?)    [ME]

Say This

I’m going to read a passage from the Bible. The first part is going to teach us how to be wise with our anger. The second part is going to tell us where anger comes from.

Read This

James 3:13 - 4:3

Say This

Did you catch where anger comes from? It comes from our hearts. It comes from us. It’s not something that happens TO us, but IN us. And it happens most when we think we’re supposed to get something and it doesn’t happen.

Ask this

What’s a way we can react when we get angry so that it does not become  a sin? What is something we can do for each other to help us make a good choice when we get angry?

Say This

We need a way to share our anger with others and not keep it to ourselves. Let’s create 5 Levels of anger using animals. I have already selected the animals. I want you to help me put them in order: Chill Penguin, Exploding Elephant, Furious Fox, Tense Tiger, Raging Rhino. [For dad…the order should be…L1: Chill Penguin, L2: Tense Tiger, L3: Furious Fox, L4: Raging Rhino, L5: Exploding Elephant]

Pray This

Heavenly Father, please help us understand and manage our anger in ways that honor you. Give us peace and the ability to express our feelings in a healthy way. Help me be a patient and loving example to my family, showing Your grace through my actions. Help us all turn to You for comfort and the strength to respond in a way that honors you and our family.

Do This

Make a simple chart with these levels and put it on the refrigerator with the heading: What Animal Are You Right Now? Put this up and reference it often.


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