April 18, 2024

Loneliness and Isolation

Ask This 

When is a time that you remember being completely alone? How did this situation make you feel?

Watch This

Say This

In this scene, the main character has survived a terrible storm and plane crash, and has washed up on a remote island. Although thankful to be alive, he quickly realizes that he is completely alone. Imagine the fear and loneliness you would feel in a situation like this? We will probably never find ourselves lost on a deserted island, but we will all have times when we feel lonely or isolated. What should we do during these times?

Realize Everyone Experiences Loneliness. 

Even people in the Bible like King David, Elijah, and Paul experienced moments of deep loneliness and isolation despite their strong faith. Because we live in a sinful, fallen world, we will all have moments of loneliness, isolation, and fear. It is important that we don’t keep these feelings to ourselves. One of the important roles of a family is to provide a safe, caring environment where feelings like loneliness can be shared and discussed. Don’t keep these feelings to yourself. Talk to someone.

Don’t Look in the Wrong Place

As our society encourages smartphones and social media use as a way to give our lives meaning and community, it sadly seems to have the reverse effect. Studies consistently show that more time spent on “SmartPhones” and social media leads to higher levels of loneliness and isolation. Having “friends, followers, and streaks” creates an illusion of meaningful relationships and connection, but actually isolates us from authentic relationships. 

Cry Out to God

In 2 Samuel 15, King David’s own son, Absalom, betrayed and attacked him. Absalom gathers an army around himself so that he can take over King David’s throne. At this moment, David must have felt alone, isolated, betrayed, and hurt. But what does David do during great distress? He worships God. (Read Psalm 3:1-4 - A psalm of David when he fled from his son Absalom) When we feel lonely, we can be confident that when we cry out to God, He is there, and He will hear our voice. We can trust God to comfort, guide, and protect.

Follow Jesus’ Example of Prayer

Just before Jesus was about to be arrested and crucified, he went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray (Read Matt. 26:36-46). He took his closest friends with him and asked them to stay awake with him as his time was drawing near. Jesus began to be troubled and sorrowful. He probably felt so alone, since no one could possibly understand what he was about to go through. Even his closest friends could not stay awake to pray with him. If Jesus prayed in his time of isolation, then we should do the same. In times of isolation and loneliness, we should always remember to pray. 

Say This

We must remember that Jesus went through the same emotions we experience today. He understands what it’s like to feel isolated, so we can trust Him in our times of loneliness. 

Ask This

  • When is a time that you have felt lonely or isolated? 
  • How can these feelings affect our relationship with God, or with others?
  • How can God promise to always be with us, help us in our loneliest moments?

Pray This

Dear God, one of the challenges of living in a sinful world is that we all have times where we feel lonely or afraid. Please remind us that you are always with us, and that we can always call out to you in our times of need. Give us the courage to admit when we feel lonely, and help our family to love and encourage one another at all times. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Try This 

Option 1

Create a "Wall of Encouragement" by writing encouraging Bible verses on sticky notes or index cards. Each family member can choose a verse to add to the wall, and you can display it in a prominent place in your home.

Option 2

Consider a family fast from Smartphones and social media. Set a realistic goal, such as 2 or 3 days, and figure out ways to replace that time with things such as spending time together as a family, or with friends. Afterwards, discuss how easy or hard it was for everyone, and if this exercise revealed any addictive use of Smartphones or social media. (This will only be effective if the parents are willing to set an example. You might be surprised how difficult this might be for you.)


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