April 15, 2021

It’s Not How You Start

Ask This

When is a time that you started something that you didn’t finish? (Be ready to share from your own life, or mention examples such as a failed new year’s resolution, not finishing a book, giving up on a hobby, etc.)

Ask This

Why did you stop?

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Ask This 

What did the older gentleman say would happen if Rudy quit the team? Do you have any regrets for your answer to the first question? Does any- one feel like they are ready to “quit” something right now? What is that and why?

Say This 

Life is full of exciting beginnings. The first day of school...starting a new job...the first practice or game of the season...a wedding...a Baptism. Everyone loves to celebrate the start of something new. Unfortunately, a strong start does not always lead to a strong finish. As followers of Christ, God calls us to not only be strong starters, but strong finishers. 

Do This 

Assign these verses about finishing well to each member of the family to be ready to read out loud: Colossians 3:23, Ecclesiastes 7:8, Galatians 6:9, Philippians 3:14 

Say This 

Here are just a few of the reasons why it is important that we always seek to finish strong. (Let the person with these verses read them before each point.) 

  1. We Represent Christ (Read Colossians 3:23): It is important that we represent our schools, teams, jobs and families with excellence, but our greatest responsibility is to represent Jesus in the way that He deserves. This means offering God our best even if it is no longer easy or fun. 
  2. Starting is Easy, Finishing Takes Heart (Read Ecclesiastes 7:8): Anyone can begin, but only those committed to finishing will be recognized and remembered. Someone once said that people will remember first what they saw you do last. Do you want people to think of you as a quitter or finisher? 
  3. God is Preparing Us (Read Galatians 6:9): Only God knows what He will require of us in the future. One reason we should seek to finish strong in everything we do, is because He will use each experience to grow and prepare us for His plan for our lives. Does anyone have a story about how something you finished in the past prepared you for something that came afterwards? 
  4. We Have Already Won (Read Philippians 3:14): In the Christian race everybody wins. It’s quite different from earthly games where only one person or team can win the prize. In the Christian race we will all obtain the prize which is the crown of life. We should finish because the prize is already ours. 

Do This

Read this quote from author and speaker, Andy Andrews: 

"To achieve the results I desire, it is not even necessary that I enjoy the process. It is only important that I continue the process with my eyes on the outcome. An athlete does not enjoy the pain of training; an athlete enjoys the results of having trained.” 

Pass out blank sheets of paper with crayons and/or markers. Ask everyone to make a small poster with the phrase, “I will keep my eyes on the prize!”


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