March 16, 2018

The Empty Tomb

Ask This

What’s your favorite kind of Easter candy?

Say This

For many families, Easter is about the Easter Bunny, candy, good food, and spending time with family. While all these things are great, for Christians, Easter is about so much more. Let’s watch this humorous kids version of the Easter story.

Watch This 

Say This

This version of the Easter story may not be 100% accurate, but it does give us some idea of the amazing events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus. Let’s learn more about it by reading John chapter 20.

Read This

John 20:1-18

Say This

In the final days of Jesus’ life, three dramatic events occurred: the trial of Jesus, the death of Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus. God allowed Jesus to face six illegal trials because it was the only way His perfect Son could be sentenced to die on a cross. Jesus’ death was necessary because He alone could pay the price for our sins. We each deserve death, but Jesus willingly took our place. In John 20, we read about the empty tomb which proved that Jesus had defeated sin and death forever.

In a sense, Jesus is still on trial today. He is on trial in the heart and mind of every person who has not recognized Him as God’s Son, and the savior of the world. Have you made that decision? Have you received His free gift of salvation? I can’t think of a better time than during the Easter season to invite Jesus to be your savior. Here’s how you can do that...

How to Give Your Life To Christ

  1. Admit you are a sinner who needs forgiveness (Romans 3:23, 6:23).
  2. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the Cross and rose from the grave (Romans 5:8).
  3. Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and is the only way to know God. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and forgive your sin (John 14:6, Romans 10:9).

Ask This

Why is Easter so important? Why does it matter whether or not Jesus Christ rose from dead?

Pray This

Dear God, we thank you for the miracle of Easter. The life, death and resurrection of your son Jesus is the most important event in all of human history. When Jesus rose from the grave he defeated sin and death forever. We are grateful that through him we can have a personal relationship with you. We pray that our family will never forget the hope and forgiveness that is found at the cross. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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