February 20, 2023

Winning with Jesus

Do This

Print the last page of this Table Talk and have it with you at the table.

Say This

This is a Tournament Bracket. In a few weeks, people will start talking about “their bracket.” They will be referring to one of these they have completed for the NCAA Basketball Tournament. I want us to fill one in and see how it works.

Do This

Starting with yourself and in the first blank, write the name of your favorite cereal or candy. Go around the table letting everyone offer their entry. Keep going until all the blanks are filled. Starting with the top bracket, take a vote on which one is better. (Note: If you have an even number of voters, take yourself out of the vote and just lead the conversation.) Continue this head to head battle until you have a “Champion.” Be sure to add some hype along the way.

Say This

The purpose of a tournament bracket is to give a lot of people the chance to participate, but in the end, only one can be the winner.

Say This

Raise both hands if you like to win. Put your finger on your nose if you really don’t like to lose? Give a two-thumbs-up if you really don’t care just as long as you get to participate.

Ask This

Which one do you think God wants us to be: a winner, a loser or a participant?

Say This

I’ll let the Bible give us the answer.

Read This

Use a Bible or an app on your phone to read 1 Corinthians 9:24.

[The answer is: Winner]

Say This

The Apostle Paul is challenging us to live like we’re winners. How do we do that? What are some things winners do that other people might not do? (extra workouts, eating healthy, extra sleep - In essence, they do things that losers and participants don’t do.) As Christians, we need to know that winning in life means we have to do things other people might not be willing to do. Let’s make a list of how we can do extra things that help us be winners with God. I’ll go first, then I want you to add to the list: “Get up a little early to read the Bible.” Who’s next? (let everyone play)

Ask This

Why is it important to be a Winner with Jesus?

[Answer: Winning with Jesus means we have disciplined ourselves to do the extra things we just talked about. When we are disciplined, we have to depend on Him to help us.]

Do This

[Younger Kids] Print the coloring sheet and spend some time at the table coloring with them.

[Older Kids] Take turns celebrating “Winning Disciplines” you see in each one. Let them join in and celebrate their siblings.


Object Lessons

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