September 25, 2024

Baggage Check

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Try This

Find several bags of varying sizes (suitcases, carry-ons, book bags, etc.). Place smaller bags inside larger bags all the way up to the largest suitcase you can find. Close them up until all you see is one large suitcase. As you begin, bring out the large suitcase and slowly begin to open the larger bags to reveal smaller bags until they are all stacked up around you.

Say This

We all have baggage in our life. Not actual bags like we see here, but things from our past that we carry around, and that can weigh us down. It might be baggage from hurtful words that have been spoken, or hurtful things that have been done. There may be guilt from a bad decision we have made, or from a bad decision made by someone we care about. There may be pain left behind by the death of a loved one, or a relationship that has ended badly. We all carry emotional baggage in our lives, and just like these bags, there is always more baggage than people will ever know about or see. And the longer we live, the more baggage we will accumulate. If we aren’t careful, our baggage can completely weigh us down. 

Ask This

  1. What are some examples of emotional or spiritual baggage that people deal with? (Guide this discussion based on the ages of your kids, and be prepared to share a specific example of some baggage that you have/had in your life.)

  2. What is an example of some “baggage” that you carry around in your daily life? 

Say This

The great news is that God does not desire for us to continually accumulate and carry around more and more baggage. His desire is for us to let go of the baggage in our lives, and to be set free from anything that weighs us down. For us to be able to do this, we first need to do a baggage check. This means that we need to identify the baggage in our life, and be willing to admit that we are carrying it around. 

Read This

(Psalm 109: 22, 26, 31, Job 7:11)

22 For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me…26 Help me, O LORD my God; save me in accordance with your love… 31 For he (the LORD) stands at the right hand of the needy one, to save his life from those who condemn him.  - Psalm 109: 22, 26, 31
"Therefore I will not keep silent; I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit….  - Job 7:11

Say This

In these two passages, we see two important steps towards releasing our baggage:

  1. We must admit that we need help with our bags: In Psalms 109, David admitted that he was needy and in pain. He humbles himself before God, and asks Him to save him not because of anything David had done, but because of God’s goodness. 
  2. Identify our Bags: Job was facing an intense time of pain and suffering in his life. He did not try to keep it silent, or handle it himself. Job was willing to speak about his suffering (baggage). We must be willing to do the same, and admit our struggles to God. We should also share them with people in our lives who can help us carry them (Parents, pastor, coach, etc.).



Read This

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” - Romans 12:2

Say This

The things of this world that often get so much of our time and attention, such as social media, Netflix, sports and hobbies are typically in rebellion to the things of God. They will try to conform us to ungodly thinking. We must resist this, and should instead seek to renew our minds with the things of God (Reading scripture, prayer, Godly friendships, etc.) For us to let go of baggage, we must ask God to help us resist the patterns of this world, and ask Him to renew our mind to think and act more like Him. 


Read This

Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.  Psalms 71:20

Say This

We all have baggage. We’ve all suffered some type of hurt, whether it be physically, spiritually, or mentally. We all have pain and hurt that needs to be restored and healed. God is capable, and has promised to restore our lives from the pain of the baggage we carry.


Read This

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. - Colossians 3:13

Say This

God expects us to forgive others just like He has forgiven us. We should forgive each other because Jesus has already paid the price for our sins and the sins of the one who has offended or wounded us. We must realize that our decision to forgive others is about us, and not about what others may or may not do. We must make the decision to forgive others, and let go of the anger and hurt that they may have caused us.

Ask This

  1. What are some ways our family can work to renew our minds and resist the world?
  2. Is there pain or hurt in your heart that we should ask God to help restore and heal?
  3. How does forgiving others who have hurt us actually help us let go of baggage?


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