May 18, 2018

Am I a Good Friend?

Say This

There is a movie called “Wonder” about a little boy (“Auggie”) born with a rare disease that made him look very different. Most of his life, he wore a space helmet to hide his face from other people. In fact, his parents home-schooled him so that he would not have to be around other kids.

Ask This

Why do think his parents did this?

Say This

The movie is about “Auggie” going to school for the first time and the challenges of being different.

Ask This

If you were like “Auggie” and going to school knowing you looked very different from everyone else, what would you be thinking about the most? (Listen for, “Would I have friends?”)

Say This

Let’s watch a clip that will show us what he looked like and learn how he became very good friends with another little boy.

Watch This

Say This

What did you see happen that shows us how these two boys became such good friends? (talking, laughing, playing, time, trust, honesty) If you had to create a Friend Test, what are the three to five checkmarks you would want to have? (Consider letting the work alone for few minutes, then work as a family to create this list. Take your time and talk through each one and work the list down to three to five.)

Say This

Did you know the Bible talks about our friendships? Let’s read a few verses and discover what it takes to be a good friend.

Do This

Grab three napkins. On one napkin, write “Does not talk bad about each other.” On the second napkin, write “Forgives us when we hurt their feelings.” On the third napkin, write: “Tells the truth even when it’s hard.” Place all three napkins where everyone can see them. Tell them you’re going to read three verses. See if they can match the napkin with the verse. Open your Bible and read these verses: (Your kids need to see and hear you read scripture.)

  • Proverbs 16:28 – This tells us friends don’t gossip or talk bad about each other. (As a follow-up to this, read
  • Proverbs 18:21. Our words can build up or tear down.)
  • Proverbs 17:9 – A friend will conceal, cover or forgive us when we hurt their feelings.
  • Proverbs 27:6 – Friends will tell us the truth even when it’s hard, but they know we need to hear it.

Ask This

Who is a friend you trust the most? Which of these qualities do they have? Which of these qualities do you have? Have you ever been a friend to someone like “Auggie” who was different? Tell us about him or her.

Say This

The Bible helps us find the right friends by telling us what to look for and it tells us how WE can be the right friend for someone else. Let’s ask God to help us make good choices and to work on being a friend who makes a difference in others.

Pray This

Dear Jesus, thank You for showing us what real friends look like. Please bring those kinds of friends into our lives who will help us grow into the person You want us to become. And help us to be that kind of friend to those around us so they might see You living in us. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.


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