October 15, 2021

Choose Your Friends Well

Watch This: 

Begin by watching this video.

Ask This: 

Have you ever been a part of choosing teams like this? Did it make you nervous? Why or Why not?

Ask This: 

Which person always gets picked first? (Not looking for a name, but a description of the player who the person choosing thinks will help them win the game.)

Say This: 

When it comes to winning a game, we want to have the people we think are the strongest players on our team, right? We want to choose players who will make us the best team on the field. How about when it comes to choosing our friends, should we choose friends who will make us better or worse? (Better)

Do This: 

Take a sheet of paper and ask, “What character traits or qualities should we look for in deciding who to have as a friend?” Pass the paper around the table and let everyone write their answers. Tell them to say what they are writing and explain why they chose that word. (Feel free to let this make multiple passes around the table.)

Ask This: 

If you had a friend with all of these traits/qualities and you spent a lot of time with them, do you think they would influence how you live? How so?

Do This: 

Share about a time when a friend made you better or helped you make good choices.

Read This: 

Read Proverbs 13:20 from a bible. What does this verse say will happen if we spend time with wise people? (We’ll become wise.)

Ask This: 

Do you think the opposite is true? If we choose negative friends, will we make negative choices?

Do This: 

Ask the oldest child to read 1 Corinthians 15:33.

Ask This: 

What’s the warning here? (Negative people will take us in negative directions.)

Say/Ask This: 

Based on what we’ve read in these two verses, why is it important to choose good friends?

Say This: 

The idea I want us all to get (this applies to me as well): Our friends will determine the quality and direction of our lives. Let’s pray and ask God to help us make good choices with who we have as friends.

Do This: 

Print and give everyone a copy of this sign to color and hang in their room.


Friendship, relationships

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