February 9, 2018

Family Matters

Say This

 In the movie, Inside Out, we see that a person’s personality and life are built upon their most important “core” memories.  When you think about it, the same is true for a family.  Our family is built on the things that are most important to us and is held together by the memories we share together.  Of all the things that are important to our family, nothing should be more important than our relationship with Jesus.  In the Bible, God often instructed His people to build an altar as a way of remembering all that God had done for them.  Let’s read about one of these instances found in the book of Joshua.

Read This

Joshua 4:1-7

Say This

God instructed Joshua to build an altar as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to future generations.  It is important that our family also remembers all that God has done for us.  Let’s take a few minutes to do this, and consider it our “State of the Family” address. (Begin by taking a moment to share one specific way each member of your family helps make your family great.  This is a time to praise and celebrate each person.)

Ask This

  1. What are some recent victories our family has celebrated? (New job, achievement in school or a sport, moving to a new home, improved health/fitness, etc.)
  2. What are some challenges our family has overcome? (Loss of a job, health issue with a family member, struggle in school or with friends, death of a family member, etc.)
  3. In both the victories and challenges, what are some ways we saw God’s faithfulness?
  4. What are some potential victories/challenges we see in front of us in the coming months?
  5. How can remembering God’s faithfulness in the past help us face the future?

Pray This

Dear God, thank you for your faithfulness to our family.  Help us never forget all that you have done for us.  Remind us that while we don’t know what the future holds, we can be confident knowing that you hold the future.  Forgive us for when we fail you, and help us to live for you. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Try This

Make a trip to your local hardware store or plant nursery and purchase some stones for your own family altar.  Give each family member a stone, and ask them to decorate it with some of their most significant core memories.  Find a place in your home or yard to display this altar as a reminder of God’s faithfulness.


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