September 17, 2021

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

Watch This: 

Begin by watching this video.

Ask This: 

Who is your BFF (best friend forever)? What makes them your “best” friend?

Ask This: 

Are they your only friend? Why?

Ask This:

Did you know Jesus had friends? We call them the “Disciples.” How many were they? (12) Did you know that inside that group of 12 there were three favorite friends? (Peter, James and John. If you have small kids, feel free to make sure your kids know “Peter, James and John in a sailboat...) And did you know that inside those three, Jesus had a BFF? (John)

(FYI...Read John 21:20-24 for supporting content for John as the disciple Jesus loved...aka, his BFF)

Say This:

We all need friends, right?

Ask This:

Did you know when we have a relationship with Jesus, we are called friends of God? Ask someone read John 15:13,14

Do This:

Give everyone a napkin or piece of paper and ask them to write one reason people need friends. When they finish, let everyone put their paper in the middle of the table. Pick one, read it and let that person explain their answer.

Say This:

One of the most important reasons for having friends is that God knows without friends, we would get lonely.

Do This:

Ask someone to read Genesis 2:18.

Ask/Say This:

What’s it like to be alone? Is it fun? God knows we all need friends. When we have friends, we’re able to learn how to take care of others and how to love others.

Ask This:

Think about someone in your school who doesn’t have many friends. Do you think they feel lonely? How do you think they feel about themselves? Should we try to help them feel better about themselves or leave them alone? Why? (Tip: Follow up with “...and what else?”)

Do This:

Read the following scenarios and let your family share how they can be a friend to someone they don’t know.

Scene 1:

You’re walking down the hall and someone drops their books and papers in the floor as you walk by. How can you be a friend?

Scene 2: 

Your teachers say to get in small groups to work on a project. You look up and there is one student who hasn’t found a group yet? How can you be a friend?

Scene 3: 

A classmate has been out of school because they are not feeling well. How can you be a friend?

Scene 4: 

You are on the playground at recess and a classmate falls down and get’s hurt. How can you be a friend? 

Say This:

The best way to make new friends is to be a new friend to new people. We need to look for ways we can show others how Jesus loves them by being a friend and serving them whenever we can.

Pray This:

Heavenly Father, thank you for being our friend and for giving us friends who make us laugh and help us when our days are hard. Please help us to be that kind of friend to others. Help us to see who might feel alone and how we can serve them and show them what your love looks like. In the name of Jesus we pray these things. Amen


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