April 18, 2024

How to Win with Anxiety

Do This: 

Gather these items: Post-In Notes, pens or pencils, a Bible, and one large bowl from the kitchen.

Say this: 

Does anyone know what the word “Phobia” means? It means to be afraid of something. There are all kinds of fears or phobias. 

Ask This:

What is something you are afraid of? [Allow for answers] Here are the top five phobias: #5: Dogs, #4: Helplessness, #3: Heights, #2: Snakes, #1: Spiders

Say This: 

Another word for fear is “Anxiety.” Basically, it’s anything that makes us worry, nervous or uneasy. I remember one time when I was really nervous…[share a story from your past and how it impacted you.]

Say This: 

There is a story in the Bible about two brothers who got real mad at each other. Their names were Jacob and Esau. Jacob stole something from Esau and ran away before he could catch him. Esau was very mad. Eventually, Jacob felt bad about what he did and wanted to go back and apologize. Let’s read the story about how they met for the first time after being away for so long.

Read This: 

Genesis 32:1-8 (Jacob learns Esau is on the way)

Ask This: 

Why do you think Jacob was nervous or anxious? (He believed that Esau would still be mad and try to hurt him.)

Say This: 

This is what anxiety or being nervous does sometimes. It makes us worry and get nervous about things that have not happened and might not be a real issue. It makes things seem bigger than they really are. And when we’re anxious, we can make things worse than they really are. Let’s see what getting nervous made Jacob do.

Read This: 

Genesis 32:13-21 (Jacob prepares a lot of gifts and puts with people in the front)

Say This/Ask This: 

Did you catch what Jacob did? In the line of people on the way to see Esau, where did he put himself? (last) Why do you think he did that? (To hopefully, gain favor or forgiveness from Esau)

Say This: 

Let’s see how the story ends. Read Genesis 33:1-4 (Esau embraces Jacob with forgiveness)

Ask This: 

What was Jacob anxious or worried about? (Esau being mad) And what REALLY happened? (he hugged him and forgave him) Is that what happened? (No) Jacob had been worrying over something he had made up in his head.

Say This/Do This: 

Many times we get anxious or worried because we try to handle things in our heads and on our own. It helps if we have a way to get those thoughts out of our heads. One way to do this is to write them down on paper. [Give out a Post-It note and ask everyone to make a list of things they worry about or that makes them anxious. Tell them they will share what they wrote in a minute.]

Do This: 

Allow time for them to write out things they worry about. After everyone is finished, ask them to share what they wrote. Let this be a time for discussion. If something notable comes to light, you may need to revisit afterwards without everyone at the table.

Say/Read This: 

Listen to what scripture teaches about how to handle anxiety. Read Philippians 4:6,7 and 1 Peter 5:6.7

Say This: 

The Bible teaches us not to be anxious but to do what? (Pray) And when we pray, we are to give those things to God and let him carry them. In fact, 1 Peter says to “cast” them or throw them. I want us ALL to pray. I will start and I’m going to tell God what I wrote on my paper, and then we will go around the table and each person will say what they wrote.

Do This: 

After everyone has prayed, put the bowl in the middle of the table. Ask everyone to crumble up their Post-In note into a ball. One by one, let everyone throw their paper into the bowl. 

Say This: 

I wanted you to put your item that we prayed for into this bowl because that is what God does. He wants us to pray and let Him handle the things that make us nervous or anxious. Listen to this last Bible verse from Revelation 5:8, And when he had taken the scroll, [the creatures and elders] fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.


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