February 19, 2021

Talk About Racism

A Word to Dad

Don’t be afraid to let your kids know you don’t have all the answers. This is a difficult issue that has only been compounded by social media and a 24-hour news cycle. In spite of this, fathers must address these issues and help their families understand them from a Biblical perspective. Your kids need to hear your voice. Pray that God will open your heart and mind as you discuss this topic. Above all, emphasize that we are all learning and striving to be more like Christ every day.

Ask This (and take your time)

What is something about you that makes you different? List some ways you are different from your siblings, friends, parents, etc.

In what ways have you felt uncomfortable around people who are different from you?

Have you ever heard the word racism? What do you think it means?

Say This

A simple definition of racism is to believe that people of one race are better or superior to others. Recent events in the news have reminded us that in spite of the significant progress that has been made on issues of race and racism, our country continues to be conflicted. Some people choose to view a person’s race as their sole defining factor. Others refuse to acknowledge the existence of racism and its cruel effects. As Christians, both of these are incorrect and harmful.

(Go deeper by having your family look up the verses and read them when they are mentioned.)

Say This

While we can’t fully understand or solve the problems of racism, as Christians there are some guiding principles that can help us love others as God loves us:

  1. We Are All One Race:
    Africans, Arabs, Asians, Caucasians, are all different ethnicities of the human race. We all have the same basic physical characteristics with some minor variations such as skin color.
  2. We Are All Made In God’s Image:
    Genesis 1:26-27Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) tells us that as human beings, we are all equally created in the image and likeness of God. John 3:16Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) affirms this idea by stating that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” If God loves the world, that includes all ethnic groups.
  3. All Lives Are Sacred:
    The fact that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross to purchase eternal salvation for every human being who will accept Him as their Lord and Savior makes every human being’s life sacred. Besides being made in God’s image, the Bible also teaches that we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ by God (Psalm 139: 13-18Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)) and that we were made to reflect God’s glory (Isaiah 43:7Open in Logos Bible Software (if available), 61:3Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)).
  4. We Must Acknowledge Racism And Its Cause:
    It is important to acknowledge that the cancer of racism still exists in America. Racism is not unique to the United States. It is a sin that plagues every nation because we live in a sinful, fallen world (Romans 3:23Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)). While we may not always agree with the impact or extent of racism, we should never numb our hearts to the real people, made in God’s image, who have been deeply wounded by the pain of racism.
  5. Those Who Practice Racism Should Repent:
    Like every other sin, those guilty of racist behavior must repent. As Christians, this requires that we search our hearts for even subtle racist attitudes and actions that might be present in our lives. Acts 3:19Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) instructs us to “repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.”
  6. Those Impacted From Racism Should Forgive:
    Victims of racism, prejudice, and discrimination need to forgive. Ephesians 4:32Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) declares, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Racists may not deserve your forgiveness, but we deserved God’s forgiveness far less.

Racial hatred and discrimination are more than just glaring social injustices. They are insults to God and the entire human family. Racism runs directly counter to everything the Gospel represents. True Christians must oppose such attitudes with every ounce of the strength God gives them. Jesus died on the cross to redeem men and women of every color and ethnic background. He lives today to affirm the infinite value of all people.

Follow-Up Discussion Questions

God views us all with “unmerited favor” (undeserved kindness and unconditional love) regardless of how we look or what we have. Do you think the world views people this way too?

Now that you have a better understanding of racism, do you think you’ve ever shown racist behavior? If you have, what do you think you can do to make it right?

Psalm 82:3 says, “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed.” John 13:34 tells us to love each other the way God loves us. How can we do this as a family?

Here are some suggested video resources for you to consider using with your family.

Remember the Titans Gettysburg Speech
A great conversation starter – appropriate for younger kids.

Hidden Figures
A powerful scene from the movie Hidden Figures. Uses the H-word twice, and D-word once, so best for older kids.

Is America a Racist Country?
A fantastic perspective from Christian and pro-life advocate, Ryan Bomberger.


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