February 28, 2017

Protect Your Eyes: Help Your Kids Make Good Choices

This Table Talk will help you guide your kids in how to protect their ears, eyes and mind.

Try This

  • Ask the Youngest Children - Lead the family in singing the children’s song, “Oh Be Careful Little Eyes.”
  • Older Kids - Watch this video of the song “Slow Fade” by Casting Crowns. 

Watch This

Say This

Have you ever found a birthday present hidden under the bed, or a Christmas gift stashed in the closet? Although finding the gift may have given you a moment of excitement, there was also a feeling in your gut that you were looking at something you were not intended to see. While sneaking a peek at a gift may be harmless, the sad truth is that our world is filled with harmful things that God never intended for us to see.

Ask This

What is something that looks safe, but is really dangerous or harmful? Can a cell phone or computer be harmful?

Say This

Each of us is only one click away from seeing or hearing things that will hurt us, and that will ultimately hurt our family. It is so important that our family avoids the evil things that the enemy wants to use to corrupt our hearts and minds. Although we will never be able to completely eliminate the danger of evil in our lives, our family can resolve to avoid anything that is not pleasing to God. This is what the Bible refers to as “the way of integrity.” Listen to the words of the Psalmist:

Read This

“I will pay attention to the way of integrity. When will You come to me? I will live with a heart of integrity in my house. I will not set anything worthless before my eyes. I hate the practice of transgressions; it will not cling to me.” Psalm101:2-3

Say This

Let us declare that we will be a family that will fight to keep the “worthless” things away from our eyes, ears, heart s and minds.

Ask This

Has there ever been a time when you feel like you saw or heard something you weren’t supposed to see? How/When/Where did this happen? How did it make you feel inside?This is an opportunity for your family to feel the freedom to be open and honest. This is not a time for shock or punishment , but instead is an opportunity for you to t hank your family for having the courage to be honest.)

What are some ways we can protect the eyes, ears, and hearts of our family? (Ex. Install filters and safeguards on all laptops, tablet s and phones, make sure mom and dad know all device pass- words both for each other and for the kids, only use the internet in common areas of the house, and only during certain hours, etc). The point of this is simply get the conversation started.

Pray This

Dear God, thank you for the day you have given us, and for the love you have shown us through your Son, Jesus Christ. We ask that you would help each of us to be mindful of the things that we look at, listen to,and think about. We ask that our family be one of integrity, and that you would help us protect one another from the worthless things of this world. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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