February 12, 2018

What's So Special About Mom?

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Why do we celebrate Mother’s Day? Well partly because it has become big business. A 2014 survey showed that Americans spent an average of $168 on Mom for a total of 20 billion dollars. (That’s a lot of greeting cards and flowers). Despite this, the Bible has made it clear that a Godly mother is priceless, and is truly something to be celebrated.

Many of us are familiar with the virtuous women described in Proverbs 31, but take a moment to read this modern translation written by Darrell Creswell:

It is hard to find the perfect wife. She is worth far more TV, sports or an I-pad. A husband depends on his wife. With her by his side, he will never be poor. She cares for him all her life. She never causes him pain and heartache. Her duties are both inside and outside the home, she is a wife, mother, and business woman. She shops for the best bargains, even outside her neighborhood. She delights in saving money for her family. She wakes up early in the morning. She makes breakfast for her family and takes care of the pets. She is sensible with her money, and contributes financially, if needed. She invests in her family’s future spiritually. She works very hard to be an example of godliness. She is strong in character and able to do all that is required of her. She is industrious, finishing what she starts, ensuring that all the needs of her household are taken care of. She is kind and giving to those less fortunate than herself, she reaches out to help those in need. The seasons may change, but she does not. She always provides for the physical needs of her family. Her inner strength from God brings her respect, she trusts in God for her future. Her words are filled with insight. Her compassion moves others in kindness. Her home is where her heart is. She dutifully cares for it. Her children voice their appreciation. Her husband praises her, saying “There are many good women, But there is none like you.” Beauty can fool the eyes, but a woman who respects the Lord is to be praised. Her beauty comes from her relationship with God. The world will see God’s work of grace in her, and she will be honored.

Ask This

  • What are some ways you see a Proverbs 31 women in your mom?
  • What is something specific that mom does for you that makes you feel loved?
  • What is one way we show our appreciation to mom on a daily basis?

Read This

Proverbs 31:25-31 (Let the kids read this if possible)

Pray This

Dear God, we are thankful for many things today, but we are especially thankful for our mothers. Your Word makes it clear that you value a Godly woman, and that we should value them too. Thank you for allowing her to be part of our lives, and for uniquely creating her for our family. Please continue to bless her life, and help us express to her all that she means to our family. Show us ways to encourage and pray for her, as she seeks to faithfully serve our family. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Try This

Ask mom to share some specific ways the family could pray for her. Have mom sit in a chair, and allow the family to gather around her to pray. Have everyone in the family say a brief prayer expressing their appreciation for mom, and praying for her specific requests. Close the prayer time by reading the prayer above.


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