October 19, 2018

What's Your Story?

Try This

Ask someone to share their favorite family story. It can be a favorite vacation or holiday memory, or a funny story when something went completely wrong. (Be prepared to get the ball rolling with a story of your own.)

Say This 

Have you ever noticed that the most effective public speakers are usually the ones that have the best stories? Most have great information, but we usually connect with and remember speakers who share great stories. As Christians, God gives each of us a story that is uniquely ours. It is the story of how we became a Christian, and it is the most powerful tool we have to share our faith with others.

Watch This

Let’s take a look at this powerful scene from the movie “Woodlawn,” in which a coach feels compelled to share what God has done in His life.

Say This

In this scene we see a coach who was not a professional speaker or pastor, and who was probably terrified to be speaking publicly in front of a church. All he knew is that God had done something in his life, and that he needed to tell someone about it. That is exactly the attitude that God desires for us to have as believers. If you are a Christian, God has changed your life for all eternity. It’s a BIG deal, and He wants you to tell others about it. God gives every believer a unique story about how He changed our life. He does this so that we can be confident about what He has done in our life, and so that we can feel confident to tell others about Him.

Read This

Listen to the words of 1 Peter 3:15: “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”

Say This

Peter instructs Christians to always be prepared to give a reason for their hope. The hope of a Christian is found in our savior Jesus Christ. One of the ways we can be prepared to share this hope is by organizing our thoughts, and one way we can organize our thoughts is by writing down our thoughts. Taking the time to write out your personal testimony allows you to organize your thoughts into a short, simple and effective story of how God has changed your life. All it really needs is a description of what your life was like before you came to Christ, how you came to know Christ, and how your life has been different since becoming a Christian. It doesn’t have to be dramatic, or be perfectly rehearsed. It just needs to be your story. The goal is not to be perfect, but be prepared.

Try This

This month our family project is to each write down our salvation story. We will take a few days to work on our own, and then will come back together to practice sharing them with one another. After practicing on each other, I would like each of us to practice sharing our story with someone else. (Explain that it can be anyone: parent, grandparent, sibling, Sunday School teacher, youth pastor, friend, etc.) // Download a guided worksheet here.

Pray This

Dear God, thank you for giving each of us the opportunity to know you through your son Jesus. I pray that if someone in our family realizes that they have never invited you into their heart, that today would be the beginning of their beautiful story. Help our entire family to always be ready to share the reason for our hope to a world that desperately needs to know you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


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