December 5, 2019

WWDWWD: Why Do We Celebrate Christmas?

Ask This

What is your favorite Christmas tradition? (discuss) Why do we have those traditions? (They are part of our celebration of the holiday.) What does it mean to celebrate something? (To be excited about the event and what it means to us.) Do you remember the wisemen who followed a star to find Jesus? How did they celebrate Jesus? (They brought Him gifts.) Have you ever thought about how giving gifts to each other at Christmas is our way of celebrating the birth of Jesus? Isn’t that awesome?

Ask This, Part 2

What happens when all of the attention is on giving gifts and we never think about or celebrate Jesus? (The focus becomes more about getting more stuff.) How can that be a bad thing? (Christmas comes and goes and we miss the whole reason for the holiday.)

Watch This 

Ask This

Where was the little girl’s focus? (On the gifts) Do you think she would be someone who would celebrate the real meaning of Christmas? (Probably not) Did you notice her brother’s reaction? He’s on a mission to “find out what Christmas is all about.” He is frustrated because his sister thinks it’s about the gifts. [Note to dad...GREAT movie to watch with your family]

Say This

When Christmas becomes more about the gifts, we are celebrating ourselves. We become selfish and focussed on ourselves and not on other people and especially not on celebrating the birth of Jesus. I want us to read a story about a man who thought more about himself and less about others. I’m going to read it from the Bible, then we’re going to go around the table and take turns telling the story, a sentence at a time. Everyone needs to listen up.

Read This

Luke 12:16-21 (When you finish, you go first and begin retelling the story. Stop after one sentence. Be ready to prompt as needed.)

Say This

At the end, Jesus told the people listening that this man was not being “rich toward God.” What does it mean to be rich? (lots of money, big house, nice cars, travel, etc) So how can we be “rich toward God”? (discuss some ideas) Let me show you how the Bible tells us we can do this.

Read This

1 Timothy 6:17-19

Say This

The Bible tells us to be rich in generosity, toward other people. When we do that, we are showing others what is really important to us. We are showing them that the things we have are not what is most important to our family. When we are generous to others, it gives us the opportunity to show them and tell them that we celebrate Christmas because Jesus is important to our family.

Do This

Let’s make a list of 5 things our family can do this Christmas to be rich in good deeds. How can bless others so that we can tell them why WE celebrate Christmas? (Make a list and post it on the refrigerator.)

Pray This

Heavenly Father, we are excited to celebrate Christmas this year. We want to be a family that makes You the center of Christmas and not our gifts. We want to be rich toward You and help others see the real meaning of Christmas through our love and support. Please help us to see where we can serve and give to others. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


Christmas, Generosity, Giving

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