November 19, 2017

Wise Men Focus on Christmas

Try This

Have your family write down a holiday season bucket list where everyone shares 1-2 things that they want to do between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Make sure everyone gets to participate. Some ideas could be going to look at Christmas lights, ice-skating, watching a Christmas movie as a family, Black Friday shopping, decorating the house, going to the Christmas Eve service, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or going Christmas caroling.

Say This

Thanksgiving is only a few days away, and the holiday season will officially begin. It is such a fun time of year, but it is important that we not allow the excitement and busyness of the season to cause us to lose sight of what we are really celebrating. Let’s watch and read about this familiar part of the Christmas story.

Watch This

Read This

Matthew 2:1-12

Say This

Not a lot is known about the wise men. We only know that they came from the east, and assume there were three of them because they offered three gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Scholars speculate that they may have traveled weeks, months, or even years to see the King. As we prepare for the holidays, there are three important things we can learn from their story.

They Were Looking for the King (v. 2) “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?”
They Kept Their Eyes on the Star (v. 2, 9-10) They did not allow anything (Distance, Herod) to distract them.

Their Only Goal Was to Worship the King (v. 2, 11)

Say This

As we prepare for “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” let’s commit as a family to keep our focus on the real reason for the season.

Ask This

What are some parts of the holidays that can distract us from their true meaning?

What are some things our family does during the holidays that help us keep our focus on Jesus?
What is one thing you can do differently this year to keep from being distracted this holiday season?


Christmas, family devotions, fathers, nativity, wise men

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