August 4, 2014

What Do You Mean I Have A Teenager?

Elise BrightA few weeks ago I was not prepared for the reality-check that struck me on the day of my daughter’s 13th birthday.  She was officially a teenager, and as we lit the candles I found myself asking where the time had gone.  All I could remember was saying no to requests for piggyback rides, and being “too busy” to crawl on the floor and play with my daughter.  All I could see was missed opportunity.
The sobering reality began to set-in that I only have a few years left with my daughter.  The influence of her friends will continue to increase, while mine will continue to decrease.  Soon she will be driving, which means she will be setting her own schedule and priorities.  Before I can blink, she will be graduating high school and will be deciding what she will do with her life.  In short, “Daddy’s Little Girl” will be gone.
I was suddenly panic-stricken as I thought of all the ways I had blown it as a father.  Had I prepared her for the pressure-cooker of life?  Had I been the example of a Godly husband and father that she will seek out one day for her own life? Does she know that God loves her and has an amazing plan for her life?  Had I done anything right?
I eventually talked myself off the ledge as I watched my daughter blow out the candles, and laugh with her friends.  I recognized that even though the clock was ticking, there was still time to make a difference in her life.
If you’re like me, your parenting has been filled with good days and bad.  Their have been moments you nailed it, and opportunities you have missed.  You are probably not the greatest father to ever live, but it is unlikely that you are the worst either.

Isaiah 43:18-19 tells us to “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

The enemy would like nothing more than for you to focus on your past failures, but God’s desire is for us to focus on our present and future opportunities.
The great news is that if you are a father, you still have time.  Whether your child is in diapers, or has kids of their own, you still have the ability to positively influence the lives of your children.
Regardless of your circumstances or past performance, decide right now to make the most of the moments God has given you with your children.
 By the way…Have you heard we’re gearing up for our Father-Son Weekend? Click the icon below for details.
Men of Steel: Father-Son Weekend


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