January 30, 2017

Parenting: Help Your Kids Understand Your Role

Parenting is the toughest job you’ll love!
Watch This…

Say This: (it’s OK if you read this word-for-word) As a parent, sometimes it feels like all we get to do is communicate the “bad” stuff: “Go to your room.” “Pick up your clothes.” “Finish your homework.” “You’re grounded.” (As long as there is not a recent incident, ask you kids to recall a time when you had to discipline them and share…you might even get a good laugh.)
A big part of being a parent is providing discipline and guidance when it is needed. It can be hard for the parent and the child, and can sometimes lead to frustration, anger, and hurt feelings. Unfortunately, it is part of the job. God expects a us to do what is best for you even when it is difficult. God also commands us to lead their families spiritually.
Read This: Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (Have your kids read if possible)
Say This: (again, you can read this “as is”…) In these verses Moses gives instructions to the Israelite people, but the principles certainly apply to families today. God makes it clear that it is not enough for parents to seek Him, but that they also have a responsibility to share God’s word with their family.
Verse seven says to talk about God’s commands “when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” The point here is that God’s Word should not just be something we hear for a few minutes on Sunday, but should be a regular part of our lives. In everything we do (school, sports, what we talk about, what we watch on TV), God’s desire is for us to keep Him and His Word on our minds.
There are many ways we can do this, but God makes it clear in this passage that He wants our family to spend time together in His Word.
Ask This:

  • Name one part of your life where it is dicult for you to talk about/think about the things of God? Why is this difficult for you (peer pressure, stress, too busy, feel alone)?
  • How can our family pray for this situation in your life? How can we help?
  • What are some ways our family can do a better job of talking about God’s Word when we are together?

Pray This: God, thank you for our family. Thank you for bringing us together in the way you have, and for all the ways you have blessed us. God, as a father I confess that don’t have all the answers, and that I often mess things up. Please help me lead my family in a way that honors you, and help my family be patient with me when I mess things up. Help us talk about you when we are together, and live for you when we are apart. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Try This: Plan a night in the next few weeks where everyone comes to dinner ready to share a favorite Bible verse. Have everyone read their verse during dinner, and share why it is special to them. Be a Rock Star Dad: Have a “Pot-Luck” dinner. Have everyone choose one item that will be served that night at dinner, no matter how random (Think eggs, marshmallows, creamed corn, and pizza). The meal might not win any awards, but it will be a dinner that your family will never forget. Share your favorite verses during the meal, and you are sure to make a Christ-centered memory with your family.

Want more? See the full list: Table Talks
Need a plan for leading your family? Take a look at the Dad Plan.

© Faith for Fathers, 3/15



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